Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Can You Leave Some Room At The Top for Milk?

So I turned on my hazards and dashed into my local downtown latte nook - Safari Cup. I opened the door and noticed that there was a table of three men who all turned their heads and stared at me. I'm thinking, gosh, I must have really stepped it up a notch this morning - maybe it's the new Herbal Essence shampoo I bought, or maybe it's the fact that I haven't broken out into a full-on sweat in the Alabama heat yet in the short distance from car to door. Anyway, I ordered my said skinny latte, and as I was exiting, the three men at the table continued to stare. I'm thinking - maybe I should just go over and introduce myself? nah. Turns out the only two people I needed to introduce had already come out to say left tit AND my right tit. I got into my car and noticed that the pesky third button on my blouse had come completely off - exposing my entire chest area. All I was missing were the tassels. Nothing like a little burlesque before 9:00 am, right?

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