Friday, January 12, 2007

Cooking Tip of the Week

Never pick your nose after chopping a jalapeno.

If you should be stupid enough to do such a thing, I suggest immediately going to the bathroom sink and snorting cold water up your nose. Only don't snort it all the way, just enough to hold the cold water in your nostril for a nice cooling effect. When water becomes luke-warm, repeat as often as necessary.


Anonymous said...

A friend sent me a link to this post because I have occasionally suffered from a condition I call "Chili Eyes" and thus have this tip to share: After chopping chili peppers, do NOT remove or put in contact lenses. You will seriously regret it. Hope your nose has fully recovered!

Toddjevu said...

A friend sent me a link to this post because I have occasionally suffered from a condition I call "Chili Eyes" and thus have this tip to share: After chopping chili peppers, do NOT remove or put in contact lenses. You will seriously regret it. Hope your nose has fully recovered!

Robbiegbmq said...

A friend sent me a link to this post because I have occasionally suffered from a condition I call "Chili Eyes" and thus have this tip to share: After chopping chili peppers, do NOT remove or put in contact lenses. You will seriously regret it. Hope your nose has fully recovered!