Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Un-Veiling the Truth?

Email from Friend(addressed to 8 recipients): Does anyone have a veil that my sister could borrow for a bachelorette party? I can get it back for you after this weekend. I passed mine on after I had my bach party.

Me (to all): I do...think I have one at home. I sometimes play bride in the mirror on Saturday nights.

Friend (to me): Will you call me and let me know and I can come get it?

Me (to friend, thinking she was joking): :)

Friend: Call me when you are available and I can come pick it up…Please

Me: friend, you know I was joking, right?

Friend: Yeah but do you have a veil?

I'm sad to say that there were a few other exchanges beyond that point. First suggestion, when sending out an email about bridal veils, if you've already gone to the trouble to dwindle down the recipients to a seemingly targeted group - don't include 7 married folks and one single girl.

More concerning that the somewhat numbing exchange, is the fact that she thought that I actually could potentially be playing bridal dress-up in the mirror, on a Saturday night. Or she did have my sarcasm at "I do.l"


Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Anonymous said...

No matter what others say, I think it is still interesting and useful maybe necessary to improve some minor things

Anonymous said...

Более года назад от меня ушел мой настоящий драгоценный и дорогой человек. Мы двадцать лет прожили совокупно, столько всего хорошего и яркого было в нашей жизни, Господь дал нам четверых детей. Он нас не бросает, он нам помогает. Начинать полюбил он другую. Начинать беспричинно получилось... Разум всетаки понимает, но сердце... оно РАЗРЫВАЕТСЯ ОТ БОЛИ! ОТ ОТЧАЯНИЯ! [url=]качества идеального мужчины[/url]