Thursday, June 01, 2006

Chicken Soup for the Taco Bell Soul

It's a low-point at lunch when you have to grab some Taco Hell to get you through the day. But hey, when all you have is a one dollar bill, 6 quarters, 4 dimes and a nickel - where the hell else can you eat? I like their new marketing campaign too that tries to make you feel better about your unhealthy know the one, the quote-laden sauce packets? Just today I grabbed 4 to go along w/ my chicken soft taco and bean burrito:

"You had me at taco." (Border Sauce ala Jerry Maguire - p.s. I hate that movie)

"It's can say it. I love you too." (Make a run for the Border cuz your date is psycho)

"Pick me! Pick me!" (Think Outside in gym class when your Bun wanted to be on the cool team)

and my favorite (maybe b/c after a stint in DC I feel for the commuters and for some reason it really reminds me of my girl, Haley)

"Does a Grilled Stuft Burrito qualify you for the car pool lane?" (seriously Haley, you know
you've asked that question yourself/attempted this in your lifetime)